Picture 1: Does your perception cloud everything you do? |
Picture 2: Or do you let the sun shine through? |
By: Dawn B. Ford
“My perception is my reality.”
However, if your perception is wrong it could cloud
everything you believe to be true about yourself and world around you.
Perception of yourself
What are the “tapes” that play over and over in your head?
Are they positive or negative? For years
I let negative words spoken by others dictate who I was. It wasn’t until I dove into God’s word that I
realized how destructive those “tapes” and subsequently my “self-talk” was.
You are “fearfully and
wonderfully made” for a purpose (Psalms 139:14). In Hebrew fearfully
is translated from the word “yare”
which means “to cause astonishment and awe, to be held in awe.” Palah is the Hebrew word for wonderfully, meaning “to be distinct, to
be separated, to be distinguished.” When
God looks at you, he is in awe and sees you as a unique distinctive work of
You can love yourself as much as God does. Not in a cocky or egotistical way, but in a
confident way because you know your place and worth in His kingdom.
Perception of others
Ever looked at someone and made a snap decision on who they
were and what they were going to be like?
When I was in college I worked part-time in a jewelry
store. One Saturday a gentleman came
into the store filthy from head to toe.
My colleagues took one look at him, perceived he had no money, and
busied themselves to avoid waiting on him.
I was new; it was slow, so I decided to walk over. I treated him like every other customer, with
respect. To everyone’s surprise he paid cash for a 5 carat tennis
bracelet. I got the commission and he
never forgot how I treated him. From
then on, he would only work with me.
Image the perception the ruling class had about Jesus’
disciples. Can you blame them? Take Peter for example. Would you have picked him for your team or a
major assignment in your corporation? He
was hot headed, loud, always said the wrong thing and had a major issue with
peer pressure.
But Jesus saw something else. In Matthew 16 he makes a bold statement.
“...And I tell you
that you are Peter, and on
this rock I will build my
church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18) (Underlining
and bold added by me).
Peter means “a rock, a stone.” In Greek - petros.
The word “rock” in the above sentence is translated from petra “a cliff or a ridge...a much bigger
rock.” Jesus saw Peter’s reality and was
saying to him, “Peter you are strong like a rock (pointing to him) and on this
“rock” (pointing to himself) I will build my church.” *
Jesus is basically telling Peter no matter what people think
or how you mess up; you’re a chip off the old block. Jesus looks at each one of the same way. We’re all his favorites.
Perception of God
How do you view God? A
distant father? A supreme being who
really doesn’t care? Judge, jury,
God is pure love. If
you been told or you feel any different, you’ve been lied to or you’re being duped.
If anyone claiming to be a Christ
follower has treated you with anything less than love, they misrepresented
themselves and God.
“...let us love one
another, for love comes from God.
Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not
love, does not know God because God is love,” 1 John 4:7-8.
Again the Greek language is sometimes hard to translate to
English. The Greeks had four different
words for love, we only have one. Eros meant passionate love. Philia
meant brotherly love and Storge meant
affection for. The love mentioned in the
above verses is Agape; an unconditional
full blown no-matter-what kind of love. God
loves us that way and we are called to agape love in the same way.
How do you change your perception to sunny?
Read and study the bible. How we view God is the foundation of how we
see ourselves and others. If we don’t
know the truth about God, then we can’t possibly know how he sees us and how
we're supposed to treat others.
· Give others a break. We’re all human. We all mess up. Think
of the times you’ve been extended grace and give grace in return.
It’s not all about you. Sometimes people have a bad day. Sometimes the look on
their face that has nothing to do with you.
Don’t let problems fester in your head that aren't really there.
Questions to think about
1. Does
your self worth come from what others say about you or what God says about you?
2. Ever
believe your perception of someone or something was dead on and then you found
out you were dead wrong? What did you
3. What
can you do today to change your perception of yourself? Others?
Dawn Ford is the VP and Creative Director of Infinite Love Ministries, INC. A 501 (c)(3) non-profit dedicated to showing all the infinite love of Christ. For more informaiton or to contact Dawn to speak at your next women's event check out our website www.infiniteloveministries.com
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